Source code for aws_stepfunction.state_machine

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

State Machine management module

import typing as T
import json
import time

import attr
import attr.validators as vs
from pathlib_mate import Path
from boto_session_manager import BotoSesManager, AwsServiceEnum

from .state import Task, Parallel
from .model import StepFunctionObject
from .constant import Constant as C
from .logger import logger
from .utils import slugify, snake_case, camel_case
from .boto import (

    from s3pathlib import S3Path, context
    import cottonformation as cf
    from cottonformation.res import s3, iam

    from .magic.task import BaseLambdaTask
except ImportError:

if T.TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from .workflow import Workflow

[docs]@attr.s class StateMachine(StepFunctionObject): """ Represent an instance of State Machine in AWS Console. :param name: :param workflow: :class:`~aws_stepfunction.workflow.Workflow` :param role_arn: :param type: :param logging_configuration: :param tracing_configuration: :param tags: """ name: str = attr.ib() workflow: 'Workflow' = attr.ib() role_arn: str = attr.ib( metadata={C.ALIAS: "roleArn"}, ) type: T.Optional[str] = attr.ib(default="STANDARD") logging_configuration: T.Optional[dict] = attr.ib( default=None, metadata={C.ALIAS: "loggingConfiguration"}, ) tracing_configuration: T.Optional[dict] = attr.ib( default=None, metadata={C.ALIAS: "tracingConfiguration"}, ) tags: T.Optional[dict] = attr.ib( default=None, validator=vs.optional(vs.deep_mapping( key_validator=vs.instance_of(str), value_validator=vs.instance_of(str), )) ) def set_type_as_standard(self) -> 'StateMachine': # pragma: no cover self.type = "STANDARD" return self def set_type_as_express(self) -> 'StateMachine': # pragma: no cover self.type = "EXPRESS" return self def is_express(self) -> bool: return self.type == "EXPRESS" def _convert_tags(self) -> T.List[T.Dict[str, str]]: return [ dict(key=key, value=value) for key, value in self.tags.items() ] def get_state_machine_arn(self, bsm: 'BotoSesManager') -> str: return ( f"arn:aws:states:{bsm.aws_region}:{bsm.aws_account_id}:" f"stateMachine:{}" ) def get_state_machine_console_url(self, bsm: 'BotoSesManager') -> str: return ( f"https://{bsm.aws_region}" f"home?region={bsm.aws_region}#/statemachines/view/" f"arn:aws:states:{bsm.aws_region}:{bsm.aws_account_id}:" f"stateMachine:{}" ) def get_state_machine_visual_editor_console_url(self, bsm: 'BotoSesManager') -> str: return ( f"https://{bsm.aws_region}" f"home?region={bsm.aws_region}#/visual-editor?stateMachineArn=" f"arn:aws:states:{bsm.aws_region}:{bsm.aws_account_id}:" f"stateMachine:{}" ) def describe(self, bsm: 'BotoSesManager'): sfn_client = bsm.get_client(AwsServiceEnum.SFN) return sfn_client.describe_state_machine( stateMachineArn=self.get_state_machine_arn(bsm) )
[docs] def exists(self, bsm: 'BotoSesManager') -> bool: """ Check if the state machine exists. """ try: self.describe(bsm) return True except Exception as e: if "StateMachineDoesNotExist" in e.__class__.__name__: return False else: # pragma: no cover raise e
[docs] def create(self, bsm: 'BotoSesManager'): """ Reference: - """ sfn_client = bsm.get_client(AwsServiceEnum.SFN) kwargs = self.to_dict() kwargs = self._to_alias(kwargs) kwargs.pop("workflow") kwargs["definition"] = json.dumps(self.workflow.serialize()) if self.tags: kwargs["tags"] = self._convert_tags() return sfn_client.create_state_machine(**kwargs)
[docs] def update(self, bsm: 'BotoSesManager'): """ Reference: - """ sfn_client = bsm.get_client(AwsServiceEnum.SFN) kwargs = self.to_dict() kwargs = self._to_alias(kwargs) kwargs["stateMachineArn"] = f"arn:aws:states:{bsm.aws_region}:{bsm.aws_account_id}:stateMachine:{}" kwargs.pop("name") kwargs.pop("type") kwargs.pop("workflow") kwargs["definition"] = json.dumps(self.workflow.serialize()) if self.tags: kwargs.pop("tags") return sfn_client.update_state_machine(**kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, bsm: 'BotoSesManager'): """ Reference: - """ state_machine_arn = self.get_state_machine_arn(bsm)"delete state machine {state_machine_arn!r}") sfn_client = bsm.get_client(AwsServiceEnum.SFN) res = sfn_client.delete_state_machine(stateMachineArn=state_machine_arn)" done, exam at: {self.get_state_machine_console_url(bsm)}") return res
[docs] @logger.decorator def execute( self, bsm: 'BotoSesManager', payload: T.Optional[dict] = None, name: T.Optional[str] = None, sync: bool = False, trace_header: T.Optional[str] = None, ): """ Execute state machine with custom payload. :param payload: custom payload in python dictionary :param name: the execution name, recommend to leave it empty and let step function to generate an uuid for you. :param sync: if true, you need to wait for the execution to finish otherwise, it returns immediately, and you can check the status in the console Reference: - - """ state_machine_arn = self.get_state_machine_arn(bsm)"execute state machine {state_machine_arn!r}") sfn_client = bsm.get_client(AwsServiceEnum.SFN) kwargs = dict(stateMachineArn=state_machine_arn) if payload is not None: kwargs["input"] = json.dumps(payload) if name is not None: # pragma: no cover kwargs["name"] = name if trace_header is not None: # pragma: no cover kwargs["traceHeader"] = trace_header if sync: # pragma: no cover res = sfn_client.start_sync_execution(**kwargs) else: res = sfn_client.start_execution(**kwargs) execution_arn = res["executionArn"] if self.is_express(): execution_id = ":".join(execution_arn.split(":")[-2:]) start_date_ts = int(res["startDate"].timestamp() * 1000) execution_console_url = ( f"https://{bsm.aws_region}" f"home?region={bsm.aws_region}#/express-executions/details/" f"arn:aws:states:{bsm.aws_region}:{bsm.aws_account_id}:" f"express:{}:{execution_id}?startDate={start_date_ts}" ) else: execution_id = execution_arn.split(":")[-1] execution_console_url = ( f"https://{bsm.aws_region}" f"home?region={bsm.aws_region}#/v2/executions/details/" f"arn:aws:states:{bsm.aws_region}:{bsm.aws_account_id}:" f"execution:{}:{execution_id}" )" preview at: {execution_console_url}") return res
@logger.decorator def deploy(self, bsm: 'BotoSesManager') -> dict: self._deploy_magic(bsm) f"deploy state machine to {self.get_state_machine_arn(bsm)!r} ..." ) if self.exists(bsm):" already exists, update state machine ...") res = self.update(bsm)" done, preview at: {self.get_state_machine_visual_editor_console_url(bsm)}") res["_deploy_action"] = "update" else:" not exists, create state machine ...") res = self.create(bsm) res["_deploy_action"] = "create"" done, preview at: {self.get_state_machine_visual_editor_console_url(bsm)}") return res # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Magic Task # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def _stack_name(self) -> str: """ Magic task cloudFormation stack name. """ return slugify( @logger.decorator def _deploy_magic(self, bsm: 'BotoSesManager'): """ Deploy magic tasks (if available) """ boto_man = BotoMan(bsm=bsm) # detect whether the magic task is used"detect whether the magic task is used ...") def iterate_task_state(workflow: 'Workflow') -> T.Iterable[Task]: for _, state in workflow._states.items(): if isinstance(state, Task): yield state elif isinstance(state, Parallel): for sub_workflow in state.branches: for state_ in iterate_task_state(sub_workflow): yield state_ else: pass lbd_task_list: T.List[BaseLambdaTask] = list() for state in iterate_task_state(self.workflow): if state._is_magic(): if isinstance(state, BaseLambdaTask): lbd_task_list.append(state) has_magic_task: bool = len(lbd_task_list) > 0 if has_magic_task:"yes", 1) else:"no", 1) # First create the necessary S3 bucket, tpl = cf.Template() need_to_deploy_s3_and_iam = False DEFAULT_CREATE_BY = "aws-stepfunction-python-sdk" if has_magic_task:"identify necessary S3 bucket and IAM role ...") # create necessary S3 Bucket s3_bucket_set: T.Set[str] = set() for state in lbd_task_list: if state.lbd_code_s3_bucket is None: bucket_name = boto_man.default_s3_bucket_artifacts else: bucket_name = state.lbd_code_s3_bucket s3_bucket_set.add(bucket_name) for bucket_name in s3_bucket_set: try: tags = boto_man.get_s3_bucket_tags(bucket_name) if tags.get("CreatedBy", "unknown") == DEFAULT_CREATE_BY: need_to_declare_this_bucket = True else: need_to_declare_this_bucket = False except BucketNotExist: need_to_declare_this_bucket = True need_to_deploy_s3_and_iam = True"need to create S3 Bucket {bucket_name!r}", 1) if need_to_declare_this_bucket: s3_bucket = s3.Bucket( f"S3Bucket{camel_case(bucket_name)}", p_BucketName=bucket_name, ) #"declare S3 Bucket {s3_bucket.p_BucketName}") tpl.add(s3_bucket) # create necessary IAM role need_default_iam_role = False for state in lbd_task_list: if state.lbd_role is None: need_default_iam_role = True"we need a default IAM role for lambda function", 1) break if need_default_iam_role: try: tags = boto_man.get_iam_role_tags(boto_man.default_iam_role_magic_task) if tags.get("CreatedBy", "unknown") == DEFAULT_CREATE_BY: need_to_declare_default_iam_role = True else: need_to_declare_default_iam_role = False except IamRoleNotExist: need_to_declare_default_iam_role = True need_to_deploy_s3_and_iam = True"need to create IAM Role {boto_man.default_iam_role_magic_task!r}", 1) if need_to_declare_default_iam_role: default_role = iam.Role( "DefaultLambdaRole", rp_AssumeRolePolicyDocument=cf.helpers.iam.AssumeRolePolicyBuilder( cf.helpers.iam.ServicePrincipal.awslambda(), ).build(), p_RoleName=boto_man.default_iam_role_magic_task, p_ManagedPolicyArns=[ cf.helpers.iam.AwsManagedPolicy.AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole ] ) # print(f"declare IAM Role {default_role.p_RoleName}") tpl.add(default_role)"done", 1) if need_to_deploy_s3_and_iam: self._deploy_cft( bsm=bsm, tpl=tpl, msg="deploy S3 and IAM ...", period=5, retry=12, )"deploy Lambda Functions ...") context.attach_boto_session(bsm.boto_ses) dir_home = Path.home() dir_home_tmp = dir_home / "tmp""upload lambda deployment artifacts ...", 1) for state in lbd_task_list: path = dir_home_tmp.joinpath(f"{state.path_lbd_script.md5}.zip") state.path_lbd_script.make_zip_archive( dst=path.abspath, makedirs=True, include_dir=True, overwrite=True, compress=True, verbose=False, ) # Don't update the state object directly! if state.lbd_role is None: lbd_role = boto_man.default_iam_role_arn_magic_task else: lbd_role = state.lbd_role if state.lbd_code_s3_bucket is None: lbd_code_s3_bucket = boto_man.default_s3_bucket_artifacts lbd_code_s3_key = f"{boto_man.default_s3_bucket_artifacts_prefix}/{path.md5}.zip" else: lbd_code_s3_bucket = state.lbd_code_s3_bucket lbd_code_s3_key = state.lbd_code_s3_key s3path = S3Path(lbd_code_s3_bucket, lbd_code_s3_key)"upload from {path} to {s3path.uri}", 2) s3path.upload_file(path.abspath, overwrite=True) new_state = attr.evolve( state, lbd_role=lbd_role, lbd_code_s3_bucket=lbd_code_s3_bucket, lbd_code_s3_key=lbd_code_s3_key, ) lbd_func = new_state.lambda_function() lbd_func.update_tags( overwrite_existing=True, hash=state.path_lbd_script.md5, )"declare Lambda Function {lbd_func.p_FunctionName}", 2) tpl.add(lbd_func) self._deploy_cft( bsm=bsm, tpl=tpl, msg="deploy magic task Lambda Function ...", period=5, retry=12, ) def _deploy_cft( self, bsm: BotoSesManager, tpl: 'cf.Template', msg: str, period: int, retry: int, ): """ A syntax sugar that deploy ``cottonformation.Template``. """ tpl.batch_tagging( overwrite_existing=True, CreatedBy="aws-stepfunction-python-sdk", ) env = cf.Env(bsm=bsm) boto_man = BotoMan(bsm=bsm) try: stack_console_url = ( f"" f"region={bsm.aws_region}#/stacks?" f"filteringStatus=active&" f"filteringText={self._stack_name}&" f"viewNested=true&" f"hideStacks=false&" f"stackId=" )"preview cloudformation stack status: {stack_console_url}", 1) env.deploy( template=tpl, stack_name=self._stack_name, include_iam=True, verbose=False, ) boto_man.wait_cloudformation_stack_success( name=self._stack_name, period=period, retry=retry, )"done", 1) except Exception as e: if "No updates are to be performed" in str(e):"no updates are to be performed", 1) else: raise e